Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sofiya, no, it's not the the name of the song, and it's not the name of the model, and not even a name of a sweet-cake. Amazed? Yea, dear - Sofiya is my name! And what do you imagine for yourself, with such a name I didn't turned in to some tender spoiled French woman, I'm still young active and developed Ukrainian! Glad? I'm real! From what to start? You know, I have a lot of interests, but most bright from them are sports (as you understood probably from my picks already) which are keeping my body in good shape, theaters - keeping in the good shape my soul, and traveling - keeping in the good shape my mind! How are they sound to you? Good?
I'm looking for my man! What does it mean? Dear, it's not difficult at all - my man just behaves as grown up man, knows what he wants in this life, don't afraid to take some risks and to have a pleasure from everything, don't afraid to love! Is it you?



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